To My Children…

By Abrahim Harb

I’ll be watching you from somewhere near the sun –
Don’t lose your smile –
And after a while, go have some fun.

You are born – and at some point,
your maker converts your mission –
It is no longer earthbound –

It’s the circle of life.
Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.

No matter what earthly success I have accrued –
None of it matters, bid it adieu.
Because I’ve started brand new.
Mourn my transition to guardian angel.

It’s your mission now –
Keep my memory alive –
But most of all, go out and thrive,
until your last bow.

Remember those summer weekends in the backyard – and those cold winter mornings getting stuck in the snow – and those early summer days preparing the garden.

Remember all the laughs – and all the empty tissue boxes – and all the childhood weekend trips to Wisconsin – and all the holidays – and birthdays.

Remember all your first times – and all the serious moments – and all the long nights in college – and all the early mornings to come.
Remember it all –
or as much as you can –

Record it –
take pictures
or videos
or voice recordings
or simply write it down –

Because one day you will be with me again…

Watching over loved ones from somewhere near the sun –
Hoping they don’t lose their smile –