Ode to Maya (And Caged Birds)

By Abrahim Harb

I believe I know why the caged bird sings with a fearless trill—
She finds beauty in imprisonment—
The free bird thinks of another breeze
And she names the sky her own.
Her wings are clipped and her feet are tied—

I believe I know why the caged bird sings, do you?
Day by day, she keeps hope—
Instead of losing it daily, til it's nothing.

This distant hill can be seen through a part created by the sighing trees—and her tune is heard.

....the caged bird sings of freedom because one day imprisonment will end.

Little does she know—her trills—
her fearless trills keep her caged—

She opens her throat to sing of freedom—
Her voice echoes beyond the cage bars—
over the distant hill and
beyond the orange sun-rays.

She finds beauty in it all—
The free bird thinks of another breeze
And she names the sky her own.
Her wings are clipped and her feet are tied—

I believe I know why the caged bird sings, do you?
The caged bird sings of freedom—
Not of freedom from being a caged bird—
freedom of being able to trill without harm

Do you know why the caged bird sings? I do.

* Ode to Maya (And Caged Birds) also appears here, in an earlier published version.